Study and analysis sharing


You can only share studies and analysis with registered users via their email.

Qiita allows users to share their own Studies (owner, the User that created the study) and Analysis with the goal of encourage online collaboration. When a study or analysis are shared the invited User inherits the same rights and permissions that the owner of the Study has. These permissions are:

  • Add, download and process any Qiita artifact. Most recently, this also includes the ability to download the raw sequence data added to each of the preparations. This feature is turned off for any public datasets for security reasons.

  • Create, modify and delete the sample information. file

  • Create, modify and delete any preparation information file

Sharing a Study

In the “Your Studies” section of the Studies List you have a “Shared With These Users” column that lists all User names that your study is shared with. You can click on the “Modify” button and add/remove users. See below.


Study sharing example

Sharing an Analysis

Analysis sharing allows full access to the Analysis, including downloading the files generated or deleting it. In the main display page of the Analysis you will have a link to share it. See below


Analysis sharing example