Qiita’s per job resources allocation¶
Qiita will request specific resource allocations based on the name of the command, the job type and it’s definition in the database. These definitions are in the qiita.processing_job_resource_allocation table in the database. This table has a name (the name of the job), a description, job_type (more below), and the allocation for that job.
Job types¶
The Qiita job types allows us to better group the jobs based on what they do and separate possible name conflicts while at the same time keeping this separation simple.
RESOURCE_PARAMS_COMMAND: This is the most common entry as it defines the allocation for a specific command name, like “deblur” or “Beta diversity (phylogenetic)”, for the complete list of commands visit: Qiita Software
COMPLETE_JOBS_RESOURCE_PARAM: When a RESOURCE_PARAMS_COMMAND completes, it will define if the job finished successfully and a set of artifact(s) that need to be validated and then added to Qiita - move to the final locations and register them in the database. For these jobs the name is the actual artifact type that is being generated, for example: “per_sample_FASTQ” or “q2_visualization”
RELEASE_VALIDATORS_RESOURCE_PARAM: The completed job will create a new job to release and coordinate all the artifact validators for a given command
VALIDATOR: Each new artifact needs a validator and depends on the Qiita plugin that defined that artifact type. Similar to COMPLETE_JOBS_RESOURCE_PARAM here the name of the job is the artifact type being validated
REGISTER: Used to install or register a new plugin and their commands in the Qiita system
Note that all these job types have a default value (name of the entry is default) so if there is no definition for that command or artifact it will use those resources
Resources allocation¶
The allocation of each job is what a user will normally use to define resources when submitting a job into a queueing system, for example: -q qiita -l nodes=1:ppn=1 -l mem=8gb -l walltime=300:00:00
We have defined some “internal” rules:
Always submitted to the qiita queue
Memory allocation should be done using: mem (memory for the full job); suggest using 1G as the minimum request (no benefit selecting 1G vs 700M)
The nodes and cores allocations should be in the form of: nodes=<num>:ppn=<num>
Always request walltime!
The queueing system uses mem for vacating jobs, not vmem, so focus on mem utilization (ignore vmem - at least for now)
Resources allocation by formula¶
It is possible to define a memory allocation by a formula using the values: “{samples}” - the number of samples in the information file, “{columns}” - the number of columns in the information file, and “{input_size}” - the total size of the artifact type (in bytes).
Some examples:
Request 1K per sample: samples*1000 -> -q qiita -l nodes=1:ppn=5 -l mem={samples}*1000 -l walltime=130:00:00
Request at least 4M and then add samples+columns and request 1M for each: ((samples+columns)*1000000)+4000000 -> -q qiita -l nodes=1:ppn=5 -l mem=(({samples}+{columns})*1000000)+4000000 -l walltime=130:00:00
Request at least 2G and grow based on input size: {input_size}+(2*1e+9) -> -q qiita -l nodes=1:ppn=5 -l mem={input_size}+(2*1e+9) -l walltime=130:00:00